Function Overview Of Anti-Porn:

TuEagles Anti-Porn - A very powerful and effective software to protect children from adult websites.

Anti-Porn parental control software includes the following functions: block porn, controll online time, restrict chat, restric game, limit computer use, protect children's eyesight, record Internet access, and screen capture.

Block Porn

Anti-Porn blocks thousands of inappropriate sites, which is written in English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, German, Franch, Spanish, Chinese, etc.
TuEagles Anti-Porn Is An AI Porn Blocker Which Can Detect Pornographic Pictures And Adult Videos In Real Time.

Controll Online Time

Parents can choose which hours are allowed to access the Internet and which hours are not allowed within 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During periods when Internet access is not allowed, Anti-Porn Parental Control Software will automatically hang up the Internet connection.

Restric Chat 

Anti-Porn  will determine whether to allow the chat software to run according to the setting and time period. 

Restric Game

Tueagles Anti-Porn can automatically recognize most game programs. Anti-Porn will determine whether to allow the game to run according to the time period.

Limit Computer Use

Parents can setup how long a child can use the computer every day. After the time is exceeded, the computer will automatically shut down.

Protext Children's Eyesight

Parents can set up the eyesight protection function to stipulate that children will take a break every time they use the computer for a certain period of time.

Record Internet Access

Parents can easily review their children's URL access log.

Screen Capture

Ant-Porn parental control software takes screenshots at a certain time interval.